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Photo by Henry Libo-on

Ceres Northbound Bus Terminal @ Mandalagan (near the vicinity of Pepsi Plant, Bata.)
Bacolod City


This Ceres Bust Terminal is also known as the Northbound Bus Terminal.  All Ceres Buses bound for the northern part of Negros Occidental including Negros Oriental accept passengers in this Terminal.

Air-conditioned buses are called Ceres Tours while non-aircon buses are called Ceres Bus.  In the schedule of their trips, you can also see the words Regular to mean non-aircon and Air-Conditioned to mean that the bus has aircon.

Most of the buses depart from the Terminal in 30 to 40 minutes interval.  Destinations of the Buses are the Northern and Southern Municipalities and Cities of Negros Island, the Islands of Cebu, and Mindanao.

Ceres Bus Schedule from Bata-Mandalagan Terminal Passing by Escalante Port to Cebu

*5:00 AM        7:00 AM        8:00 AM   10:00 AM    6:00 PM    9:00 PM 

*Regular Ceres Bus Schedules leaves the Terminal in 30 minutes to 40 minutes interval passing all the towns and cities in Northern Negros up to San Carlos City.

*Ceres Bus that ply the Bacolod-Cebu route via San Carlos City (to Toledo City), leaves Bacolod City from the South Bus Terminal at Luzuriaga Street.  Please check the Bus Schedules at the bottom page.  Thanks.

*(Always verify with the Ceres Bus Terminal or through the Bus Conductor the updated Schedule and Destination of the Bus of your choice.  Touristang Pobre will not be held liable for any inconvenience or damage this information may cause.  Thanks.)

Photo by Henry Libo-on

The Passengers' Information Counter.  Ticket Counters are located on the left side of this picture. 

Photo by Henry Libo-on

There is a Fastfood Counter here and Mini Grocery Store as well as ATM. 

Ceres Southbound Bus Terminal @ Luzuriaga-Lopez Jaena Streets
Bacolod City 


This Ceres Bus Terminal is also called as the Southbound Bus Terminal.  All Ceres Buses bound for the Southern part of Negros Occidental including Negros Oriental are stationed here.  Buses depart from this terminal in 30 - 40 minutes interval. Just check with the Ticket Counter regarding the schedule of the bus that you wish to ride on. 

Destinations of the bus are Southern Municipalities and Cities in Negros Occidental, passing by Mabinay then Bais City and straight away to Dumaguete and passing all the towns and cities in the eastern side of Negros Island.  For Ceres Bus plying the routes Bayawan City to Dumaguete, there is a Ceres Bus Terminal at Hinoba-an town and Bayawan City in the southernmost tip of Negros Island.   

There are Buses that are Cebu and Mindanao bound.  Just confirm their schedule of trips from the Ticket Counter. 

Photo by Henry Libo-on

I took the photo of the Ceres Bus Terminal at around 1:00 o'clock in the morning upon my arrival from Cebu City.  This is the Southbound Bus Terminal at Luzuriaga-Lopez Jaena Streets in Bacolod City. 

Photos by Henry Libo-on \

This is the Ceres Bus Southbound Terminal during the day.

Photos by Henry Libo-on

Below is the picture of the Ceres Tours Bus (air-conditioned bus) bound for San Carlos City.  Buses bound for Cebu City also passes by the town of Salvador Benedicto then proceed to San Carlos Port where the RoRo will take the bus to Toledo City, Cebu.

There are also Ceres Tours buses that depart from the Southbound Bus Terminal to Cebu City via Canlaon City.  Again, just ask the Ticket Counter for the exact schedule of trips.   Meaning, it is better to visit the Ceres Terminal to personally check the schedule of buses before your trip.

Photos by Henry Libo-on 

I took this picture of the Ceres Tours Bus on my way to Boljoon, a southern town in Cebu. I ride the bus from Santander Port or Puerto del Sur at Liloan, Santander. 


If you are planning to go on a bus ride to Negros Oriental, Cebu, and Mindanao, you can make Bacolod City as your jump-off point.  From Bacolod, Ceres Bust travels directly to Dumaguete City.  From Dumaguete City Port, you can ride the fast crafts or Roro Vessels to Cebu and Mindanao. 

Bacolod to Cebu via Don Salvador Benedicto (San Carlos City to Toledo City)

1:30 AM
4:00 AM
6:50 AM
9:30 AM
12:20 PM
2:30 PM
8:00 PM
9:30 PM

Bacolod to Dumaguete City via Mabinay

1:00 AM - Airconditioned Bus
2:30 AM - Regular Bus or Non-AC Bus
3:00 AM - R
3:00 AM - R
3:30 AM - R
4:00 AM - R
4:30 AM - R
5:15 AM - A/C
5:45 AM - R
6:30 AM - A/C
7:00 AM - R
7:45 AM - R
9:30 AM - A/C
10:00 AM - R
10:30 AM - A/C
11:00 AM - R
11:30 AM - R
12:00 PM - A/C
12:30 PM - R
1:00 PM - R
2:00 PM - A/C
2:30 PM - R
3:00 PM - R
3:45 PM - A/C
4:00 PM - R
5:15 PM - A/C
6:15 PM - A/C
7:00 PM - R

*From Bacolod South Terminal to Cebu via Canlaon City 

4:00 AM  - Ceres Bus to Cebu via Canlaon City picks up passengers at the Canlaon City Bus Terminal. 

*As of 2017, there is a Ceres Tours Bus that serve the Bacolod City via Dumaguete City to Zamboanga City.   Travel time is around 22 hours.  Please check with the Ticket Counter at the Southbound Bus Terminal at Luzuriaga Street before you decide for your trip to Zamboanga City. 

Finally, please check with the Ticket Counter of the Ceres Bus Terminal or the Bus Conductor  for the updated Schedule of the Bus and their Destination.  Touristang Pobre will not be held liable for any inconvenience or damage this schedule may cause.   

* * * * * * * * 

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All photos by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre, except the map which was taken from  Thanks. 
2018 CERES TERMINAL IN BACOLOD CITY Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 9:20:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Bacolod to zamboanga meron po ba? Saan banda ang terminal sa zamboanga?

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  2. Good afternoon ano po ang schedule from bacolod to zamboanga?

  3. gud day...which terminal kami sasakay if mismo bacolod proper aming destination from cebu kami? north orsouth terminal thanks

  4. May mga jeep po ba from Ceres Terminal going to Bredco Port na pwede sakyan

  5. Good evening,
    Ano po yung schedule from bacolod to zamboanga?

  6. from bacolod may ceres bang papunta cdo or butuan city?

  7. Bacolod to zamboanga please sino kokontakin

  8. Taga Victorias po ako Ano oras po ang unang byahi nyo papuntang sancarlos city? Salamat


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