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The St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church is located in the City of Talisay, Province of Negros Occidental.  Photo by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre. 

In one of my out-of-town trips, I decided to pass by the Church of Talisay before I visited my friend's house located a few minutes walk from the Church. I had a strong feeling of nostalgia as I approached the Church.  The Church is part of my growing up years.  My mother used to bring me to this church every First Friday.  It was her "panaad" or vow that as long as she is healthy, she will always attend the First Friday Mass.  The reason why my mother brought me to the Church is to have my blessing from the Priest through "Pa Lapak".  Literally, it means "to step on the head".  It was a religious ritual where the Priest carries an image of the saint and place it on the head of the one who is seeking a blessing.  The priest does not just place the feet of the "Santo" but he hits the head with force to drive away the evil spirit that lives on one's head.  In that case, it was my head.  When I think about it today, I laugh.  

Why?  Because my parents do believe that I was hard-headed Tonto, barumbado or dungol?"... haha.  That was funny. When we were home, I still feel the pain in my head.
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This Church is also linked to the history of Negros Occidental because it is here that the remains of General Aniceto Lacson, one of the leaders of the bloodless revolution in Negros against the Spanish Government was interred. 

Source:   (Pinoy Byahero).  I have seen this in one of the corners in the vicinity of the Altar but I forgot to take a picture. 

It was also here in the Church where the remains of the Spanish Friar, Fray Fernando Cuenca was interred.  Fray Fernando Cuenca was not only a religious leader but he also initiated the development of the Sugar Industry in the island.  

Father  Fernando Cuenca, 1824-1902. 

The Spaniards brought the sugarcane seedlings from Spain that thrived in the farms of Talisay.  It was believed that Fray Cuenca "introduced the crude wooden mills with the introduction of the "molino de agua" which brought about the unprecedented development of the sugar industry.  (The Wikipedia). 

Another reason why I visited the Church was this, St. Nicholas of Tolentine is the Patron Saint of our school, the University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos where I also served as its Alumni President many summers ago, lol.  The original Recollect School was in Talisay.  

The Feast of St. Nicholas of Tolentine is a big celebration in Talisay every September 10.  In our school, it is a weeklong celebration which is called the University Week (at UNO-R). 

The stage of Manna's Restaurant where a Band performs at night. 

 I left the Church a little past noon and went to my friend Dory's house.  It was a newly constructed house on the corner of the street, just a few minutes walk from the "simbahan".  Since she lives in the U.S. and she cannot personally see the progress of the construction, she requested me to visit her house.
After that visit, I went to Manna's Restaurant to have my lunch.  

After the meal, I rested for a while.  Later on, I decided to have a cup of coffee and lighted a cigarette. 

That ends my noontime visit to my friend's house and the historical Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentine in the City of Talisay, Negros Occidental.

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All photos by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre except the picture of Father Fernando Cuenca which was sourced from the  - - and Aniceto Lacson which was sourced from  (Pinoybyahero). 

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2024: TALISAY: ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CHURCH Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 11:48:00 AM Rating: 5

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