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The Happiest Time Of The Year

The New Year's Countdown at London, UK.  Source: youtube, uploaded by BBC.

So many things are expected to happen when the ber months are approaching - September, October, November, and December.  
Family get-together at Tita Donna, Tita Agnes and Tita Mheng.

In some countries such as the Philippines, the ber months would mean the start of the milling season in the sugar industry, the holding of various festivals across the islands such as the Masskara Festival, among others, the Halloween and the Christmas season.

In the Roman Calendar which the present generation adopts, Christmas is the longest of all holidays. In many Catholic countries, it starts on December 16 with a mass.  In my country, the Philippines. the mass which is called "aguinaldo" is held in the early morning before sunrise. The Christmas season ends in Epiphany which, traditionally is celebrated on the 6th of January as the day of the "Three Kings". But beginning in 1970, Epiphany is celebrated on Sunday after January 1. This 2016, the Sunday after January 1 is January 3, 2016.  This is the day of the Epiphany and signals the end of the Christmas season.

Going back to the mass called "aguinaldo", this term is of Spanish origin.  It implies singing of Christmas carols during the mass and the act of giving gifts during the entire Christmas season.

Nativitiy Scene at the National Shrine of the Basilica of Mary Queen of the Universe, Orlando, Florida.

The birth of Jesus is the biggest "aguinaldo" or gift of God to the Christian world.
Suite Room,  Westgate Resort & Hotel, Orlando, Florida.

Christmas Party at Tito Raul and Tita Johanna's place.

Since the Philippines is a colony of Spain for almost 400 years, it is not easy to remove this Spanish practice of holding masses or aguinaldo in the morning.  The mass or "aguinaldo" starts on the 16th of December and ends on the 24th of December.

The highlight of the celebration is the eve of December 24 where families gather to partake of the food prepared by the family for this occasion.  In my country, it is known as "Noche Buena". Families would prepare food which are connected with the holiday season such as lechon and ham.
LECHON.  (Source:

Accompanying this different food, are fruits of the season like apples and grapes.  A selection of desserts and drinks are also served during this "noche buena".

Depending on one's pocket book, Noche Buena can be lavish or simple.  The most important thing here is that the family members from near and far, go home to their house of orientation to celebrate Christmas with their parents and siblings and most of the time with close relatives.

Another highlight of Christmas day is the giving of gifts.  Today's generation, gift giving has become high-tech.  Family members who are living abroad would purchase gifts from the internet and had these gifts delivered to their loved ones.

Those who cannot go home for the Christmas would spend several hours in the internet chatting with members of the family through Skype or Viber, and many other media of interaction.

Meanwhile, members of the family who are able to attend a Christmas dinner, which is most of the time held in the evening of December 24, would bring their gifts for the exchange gift portion of the dinner.  When dinner time comes, the family members gather around the dinner table and pray.  The prayer focused on thanking God for all the blessings the family enjoyed for the entire year.

After the dinner, a short program is held where members of the family sing Christmas songs.  This is followed by the giving of gifts.  So as to avoid expenses on the part of each member of the family, an exchange gift is done.

Here, each family member writes his or her name on a piece of paper, roll it and place it in the small box.  When the time comes for the giving of gifts, the head of the family will pick the name from the box. This person whose name appears on that piece of paper will receive a gift from this head of the family.  The receiver of this first gift will then pick up the name from the box and give his gift to the one whose name appears on the piece of paper. The next person will do the same thing.

At the end of the day, everyone has a gift.  No matter how big or small it is, both the giver and the receiver felt the joy that giving brings.

People who believe in the celebration of Christmas are always positive and hopeful that the next year will bring prosperity, good health, happiness and success to every member of the family.

In the United States, I attended a few Christmas parties with family, relatives and friends and I would like to share them with you through pictures.  I hope this will give you a glimpse of how we celebrate Christmas in this part of the world.
MISA DE AGUINALDO at Barcelona, Spain. (Source:

Finally, the most awaited event for 2015 is the New Year's Countdown at Time Square, New York. This year's master of ceremonies is, again, Ryan Seacrest with special guest Carrie Underwood and so many world-class performers from Australia, UK and the U.S.
New Year's Countdown and Media Noche at Jing and Analyn's place.

Here we are, the Pinoy New Jersey Boys, having a bonfire, haha....that is Nick, Pops, Jing, Reino and Moi...the Touristang Pobre.

Happy Holidays.  Happy New Year!

The Happiest Time Of The Year Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 5:26:00 AM Rating: 5

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