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It was the second to the last day of the Kadayawan Festival, the second week of August last year when I decided to spend my free time walking around the stage area of the festival.  A few minute-walk from this area is the Roxas Night Market where I had the chance to visit the flower shops, the carinderia on the side of the road, fruit stores that sell the famous Durian and other tropical fruits which, I think, are abundant in Davao City.  I had the chance of passing by the City Hall and the Sangguniang Panlungsod Building that houses the offices of the members of the City Council. 

Because it was a Saturday when I went to Davao City, the city government's offices, including the Tourism Office were closed. So, there was no one to ask for some information about this park. What I did was to search for additional information on what are the stories behind those photos I took of the different areas of the park.  Wikipedia was the best source so far.  So, here is what Wikipedia tells about the People's Park in Davao City.  

"The land area of the park is four (4) hectares. It is home to 1,101 species of plants and trees both indigenous and non-indigenous and were planted on the five (5) avenues in the park.  Some plants and trees came from Australia, Central, and South America, New Guinea, Madagascar, and Africa. "(Wikipedia).

This huge sculpture of the Philippine Eagle is one of the most eye-catching works of art in the park.  I learned that most of the sculptures depicting the indigenous peoples in the Davao Region were done by Kublai Millan, a local artist. 

As I continued my walking tour of the People's Park, I saw a lot of trees, pigeons playing with children and tourists and families having a picnic on a selected ground area in the park and in areas where there are tables and chairs. I felt a cool air enveloped me.  I also passed by the Durian Dome that houses a collection of the different species of bamboos.  It is called a Bambusetum,

There were lots of people that day, mostly couples with children.  It looked like a family day for me.

As I roamed around, I reached a building that looked like a Pasalubong Center.  I went inside and President Rodrigo Duterte was standing.  So, I approached him and tried to do a selfie but a passerby asked me if I want her to take my picture with the standing president.  I said yes, so, here it is, haha.

The picture I posted here shows a collection of stores located near or outside of the People's Park.  The picture was taken when I was finding my exit from the Pasalubong Center.

So, the next time you are in Davao City, do not fail to explore the People's Park.  The entrance is free.

How To Get To The People's Park?

Wherever you are in the City of Davao, all you have to do is hail a taxi and tell the driver to take you to the People's Park.

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Oooopppsss, we are not yet done...hehe...if you like this post, please LIKE my Facebook Page and SHARE this with your friends.  

Copyright photos by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre.

Updated on October 26, 2019.

DAVAO CITY KADAYAWAN FESTIVAL Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 6:50:00 AM Rating: 5

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