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A Special Feature by Touristang Pobre.

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Caluya Island is unknown to me but in early 2000 I met a friend who lives in Caluya Island and told me how beautiful their hometown was. I told her that I want to visit the island and explore its beaches and learn the life of the locals. At that time, going to the island was, for me, a big challenge since I was not comfortable riding the Outrigger boats that service the island from the mainland of Antique Province. 

The recent development that FastCat, a shipping company that owns several Catamaran type boats that service the other islands in the Philippines, will open its maiden voyage this month, September 2021, is a most welcome event. 

Personally, I welcome that news with excitement as I can travel to Caluya Island when I go back to the Philippines anytime after this Pande. 

                                               Source: Caluya Municipal Tourism Office
Where is Caluya Island?

Caluya Island is located in the central part of the Philippines in the Western Visayas Region. 

Caluya Island is a first-class municipality of the Province of Antique. It is also a group of islands in the northernmost part of the province. Caluya is the main island, and the other two are Semirara Island, and Sibay Island. 

Source: - marcoscaratao - google earth -

What is Caluya Island?

According to the website Caluya Island, there are three main islands around Caluya Island, these are Caluya Island as the main island, Semirara Island, and Sibay Island. There are seven (7) islets around Caluya Island, these are: Sibato, Sibolo, Liwagao, and Panagatan 1, Panagatan 2, and Panagatan 3. Hereunder are the historical data about Caluya. 

Caluya Island Website states its history : 

Spanish Settlement

The Spanish Settlement in Caluya was presumed to be established in 1850. Spanish friars came to the island to propagate their colonization of the archipelago.

The settlement was called Barangay and the first Cabeza de Barangay was Balbino Ysug, succeeded by Luciano Boctot and then by Surato Bunga-Bunga. All other Cabezas de Barangay were not recorded.

Later on, the Cabeza de Barangay became Capitan de Barangay. The first Capitan de Barangay was Lazaro Decena succeeded by Luciano Tabangay and then by Mariano Escultor. 

In the year 1893, believed to be in the month of May, the Barangay was changed to Pueblo or town by the Spanish Government, hence the founding of the Municipality of Caluya.

American Regime

The American Government started in 1901. The first officials were appointed by Americans but later, the officials were elected by the people.

The head of the local government was the Town President or Presidente del Pueblo. Appointed President from 1901 to 1910 was Feliciano Erodias. Next was Valentin Escultor in 1911. They then held the first election in 1913 and the first elected President was Moises Lucena. In 1916, the President was Elias Tameta; 1919, Luis Erodias; 1922, Agustin Madarcos; 1925, Pedro Janairo; and 1928, Ruperto Tabinas.

In 1934, the head of the town was changed to a town Mayor. The 1st town Mayor was Claro Erodias who served up to 1938. Ruperto Tabinas was the Mayor when World War II broke out.

Japanese Occupation

In 1943, the Japanese landed in Caluya by means of motorboat and spread their propaganda about the Government. No battle had been fought for there were no soldiers on the island. The Japanese commandeered pigs, carabaos, cows, chickens, and other foods for consumption.

The only battle fought was in Semirara. It was between the five Japanese battleships and the U.S. Air Force. Warships were sunk and an airplane from the Allied Force was drowned. About 200 Japanese Marines landed in Capiz Island led by Commander Tanaka. There was no known Mayor at that time.

Post Liberation Period

In 1945, Joven Janairo was appointed Mayor and in the 1948 election, he was elected to the position. He was succeeded by Romulo Lumawig in 1953 but was re-elected in 1958. Romulo Lumawig was re-elected in 1964 and Oscar Lim was elected in 1972. Soon, Martial Law was proclaimed by President Marcos. In 1987, Douglas Egina was appointed as OIC- Mayor.

Then in 1988, Oscar Lim was re-elected, and in the year 1992, when the election was again conducted, the first woman Mayor Nikita L. Frangue was elected and was succeeded by his husband Domingo G. Frangue, Jr. who served from July 1, 2001, up to June 30, 2007.

Hon. Reynante J. Lim, Sr. was the Municipal Mayor from July 1, 2007, until his death on February 28, 2010. Hon Diosdado L. Egina served in the position from March 1, 2010, to June 30, 2010.

And so from July 2010 to June 30, 2019, Hon. Genevive L. Reyes was elected as Municipal Mayor. 

Hon. Rigil Kent G. Lim is the present Municipal Mayor of Caluya.  Source:

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Source: Facebook Page of Caluya Municipal Tourism Office

According to the Facebook Post of Caluya Municipal Tourism Office, the maiden voyage of the FastCat is September 14, but I learned that it was canceled until further notice. 

The Schedule 


Please verify the schedule of fastcraft and/or RoRo that ply the Libertad to Caluya route or the Caticlan/Buruanga to Caluya route before deciding to travel to these islands. Schedule changes most of the time. Thank you.

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As of today, the FastCat will leave Caticlan every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Please take note that its port of departure is Caticlan. 


Departure - Caticlan - Caluya at 6:00 a.m.                         Arrival at Caluya - 8:00 a.m.

Departure - Caluya - Semirara at 9:30 a.m.                      Arrival at Semirara - 11:00 a.m. 

Departure - Semirara - Caluya at 12:30 p.m.                    Arrival at Caluya - 2:00 p.m. 

Departure - Caluya - Caticlan 3:30 p.m.                             Arrival at Caticlan - 5:30 p.m. 


Departure - Caticlan - Caluya at 6:00 a.m.                         Arrival at Caluya - 8:00 a.m. 

Departure - Caluya - Caticlan at 10:00 a.m.                         Arrival at Caticlan - 12:00 noon. 


Departure - Libertad Antique - Caluya at 3:00 a.m. of Friday morning. \
Even this schedule is not fixed because, the locals told me, it all depends on the weather condition. If there is a storm, the boat will not sail but wait until the weather condition becomes safe for sea travel. 

*Schedules may change without prior notice. 

*The Caluya Municipal Tourism Office also posted the following information: 

           ***For inbound and outbound travel requirements, please call the following numbers - 0912-611-1568 and 0951- 222-8154. 

Please coordinate with these numbers for your TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS.  

Please travel safely by observing the health protocols suggested by the Local Government Unit.
Place all your travel documents, certification, testing results,  vaccination records, and identification cards, and others in one folder for your easy access. Keep safe everyone. 

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Source: Industree TV from Youtube. Thanks. 

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Source: TrueLocal Philippines on Youtube. Thanks. 

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By Ara Juan from Youtube. Thanks Ara. 

Source: Chalchi Caluya on Youtube. Thanks. 

Source: Chalchi Caluya on Youtube. 

Source: Sibay Island Cowboy on Youtube. Thanks. 

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Where to stay? 

There are several homestays, inns, and resorts on Caluya Island. The tourism industry in Caluya has remained a growing industry, so to speak.

My tip - before going to the island, please coordinate with the Caluya Municipal Tourism Office through their Facebook page, here's the link - 

 They can help you book your accommodation, arrange transportation to pick you up at the pier, island-hopping, scuba diving needs, boat rentals, and many others. They can also refer you to the service providers or persons who can help arrange your travel needs. 

For me, Caluya Island's tourism industry has now come to this point of GOING and GROWING UP. 

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Where to eat? 

You can ask the personnel of your hotel, inn, resort, or homestay to prepare your food. Just inform them in advance so that they can buy what you want from the nearby market or make arrangements with the fishermen on the seafood that you want to be cooked. 

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So, this winds up my special feature about Caluya Island's upcoming FastCat Voyage. 
This feature is not sponsored by anybody. It is just my way of beating the boredom brought about by the Pandemic. 

Bored? Yes, because it is difficult for me to travel to the Philippines at this time. 
I am U.S.-based. So, kung maari lang, dito na lang muna mag laag, suroy-suroy, ikot-ikot, at iba pa. 

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If you're done reading this, please LIKE my Facebook Page, and SHARE this with your friends. Caluya is really beautiful. It is an adventurer's dream island. It is a Divers paradise too. 

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New Jersey, U.S.A. 
September 11, 2021. 

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From Psychemegem Real. - - - - - - - - - - - - - For Young Adventurers. 

Source: Psychemegem Real from Youtube. Thanks. 


PHILIPPINES RICHEST ISLANDS - CALUYA & SEMIRARA Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 2:14:00 PM Rating: 5

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