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Travel Destinations




By Henry Libo-on 

Lake George is located in its namesake, Lake George Town in Warren County, New York, U.S.A.  Lake George Town is at the southern end of the lake.  Its coordinates are 43 degrees, 37 minutes, 30 seconds North, and 73 degrees, 32 minutes, 48 seconds West.  I hope this can help you with your GPS.  The lake is 32 miles long from Lake George Village to Ticonderoga Landing (Baldwin). Adirondack Mountain overlooks Lake George.  

It was fun being with a big group of four (4) families including my children and grandchildren.  We stayed at Flamingo Resort on Lake George with this address for your easy reference - 3914 Lake Shore Drive, Diamond Point, NY 12824.  This picture shows the Minne Ha Ha, a sternwheel steamboat that we were waiting to dock so we can board and begin our cruise.

Things to do. 

There are so many things to do in Lake George like swimming, boating, horseback riding, island camping, golf, biking, jogging, fishing, restaurant and bar hopping, and shopping, among others. There are water parks, a playground for children.  Shoppers can enjoy the many souvenir shops lining the main street of Lake George Town.  Lake George is popular during winter as a ski area.

There are many facilities that cater to both children and grown-ups.  There are fun parks, theme parks, dude ranches,  fireworks displays, community concerts, historical tours, a lake cruise with lunch and dinner with bands, and fabulous accommodations in the town or at the waterfront area.  The picture shows the U.S. Flag that flies proudly on Minne Ha Ha steamboat.

The four families with me took the Minne Ha Ha Cruise from the Steamboat Dock at Lake George Town.  The cruise lasted for one (1) hour.   The parents and their children had a great time watching the boats that glided at the lake.  The beautiful sceneries and the houses with well-manicured and landscaped lawns were a feast to the eyes.   I was amazed at the different architectural designs of the houses and resort hotels located on the long waterfront of the lake.

For the third time, I saw another Statue of Liberty.  The first was on Ellis Island, New York, the other one was on Guam Island, U.S.A.,  and this one along with Lake George.  Did you see Auntie Liberty?  She's on the right side of this picture.

Can you spot the waterfalls?

This is one of the few islands located on Lake George.

This resort hotel is just amazing, isn't it?

Since this is past 11:00 o'clock in the morning, no action can be seen on this resort here.  Those chairs seem to suggest a big event is unfolding.  I guess this is alive at nighttime.


I like this house or hotel. 

There are so many fabulous accommodations here on Lake George.  I just wonder how these are filled with guests.  For sure, they won't be here if the business is not vibrant.

The boats are waiting for their owners to start the action.  You can also rent the boats, kayak, paddle, jet ski, or play golf, do water rafting, and many others.

Notice the people in that restaurant over there.  Plenty of customers in that area.  This jet ski, below, is inviting.

This is the Lookout in Flamingo Resort on Lake George where the four (4) families stayed.  Isn't this place gorgeous?  You see the Lake and at the distance is the Adirondacks Mountain.  During the Seven Years War between Britain and France, Lake George was filled with action.

The ladies of the four families took turns preparing this Boodle Fight Dinner.  The men took turns preparing the grill, drinks, and table setting.

It was a chilly evening.  I mean, it was a bit cold but we did enjoy each other's company and the kids for sure, who were busy exploring the playground non-stop to the delight of the grandmas and grandpa...

Lake George is my greatest discovery this year. 

This is Fort William Henry, named after Prince William, the son of King George II of England and his grandson Prince Henry.  The fort is now a museum, and this is another reason why you should visit Lake George to learn the rich history of this place.  The Battle of Lake George dated September 8, 1755, saw action between France and Great Britain.  This war was won by the British and so, the lake was named after King George II of England.  The novel entitled "The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757" by James Fenimore Cooper also tells the story of this battle.   Don't miss a tour of this Fort.

Before I say "Ciao", let me tell you that Lake George Township is a Tourist Area.  Meaning, there are lots of tourist facilities like hotels, restaurants, bars, shops, recreation areas for children, river cruise terminal, etcetera and so on and so forth.  

Now, allow me to share this video about Lake George which I downloaded from youtube.  Please take note, I do not own this video.  I thank  Enjoy...

All photos by Henry Libo-on, the Touristang Pobre.  Please contact me if you wish to use my photos.

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Copyright photos by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre.  

Updated on 06 June 2018.
Updated October 26, 2019.
Reviewed on May 31, 2021.
Reviewed on July 28, 2022. 
Reviewed on May 11, 2023. 

LAKE GEORGE CRUISE NEW YORK STATE Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 6:29:00 AM Rating: 5


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