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Travel Destinations



Two Lovers Point
Guam Island, U.S.A.

The Story of Two Ill-fated Lovers

By Henry Libo-on


A few years ago when I was living with my daughter and her family on Guam Island, a territory of the United States in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I came to know a place that the locals call the Two Lovers Point. I was intrigued as to why it was called that way.  So, I have to ask my local friends about the story of these two lovers. I also read several sources of information about the two lovers such as Guam Island Guidebook, Wikipedia, and a few articles published on-line and this is what I gathered. 

A long time ago, when Guam was a colony of Spain, there lived a proud family whose head, the father was a Spanish aristocrat. He was married to a Chamorro maiden, the daughter of a great Chamorro chief. They were landed and rich and their abode is in the capital, Hagatna also known as Agana.

One day, the father decided to arrange her daughter's marriage to a powerful Spanish Captain. After knowing her father's plan, the daughter ran away from home reaching the far end of the island, the northern part. There, she met the young warrior, the man that she fell in love with. When this affair reached her family, the father, in the company of the powerful Spanish Captain and the soldiers went to the north to take the girl away from the young warrior.

The parents do not want their daughter to marry a man coming from a modest Chamorro family. They want her to marry this captain. Then, one day, the daughter arranged for a rendezvous with the young warrior. The intention was to leave the island in a canoe. They will meet on the cliff. It was also at that instance that her father knew she was heading to the cliff and the chase began. When the young warrior saw the soldiers coming and they were trapped between them and the high cliff, he shouted at them to stop. At that moment, the daughter and the young warrior tied their long hair as a knot, kissed for the last time and jumped to their death.

The cliff where the ill-fated lovers jumped to their death was since then called The Two Lovers Point. 
This is the viewing deck of the Two Lover's Point, Guam, U.S.A.  Thousands of tourists visited this landmark every year.  Believing that true love and long-lasting relationship is possible, lovers hang their heart-shaped lock on the Eternal Love Corner.  Others celebrate their love by holding their wedding at a nearby resort hotel. 
(All photos by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre.)

The Two Lovers Point is a very popular travel destination on Guam Island.  It seems that if you have not visited the Two Lovers Point, you have not been to Guam.

Lovers' combination locks and chains bearing the names of the lovers and couples to be married are left hanging on this cyclone wire provided by the park management for this purpose. 
This area is called Eternal Love Corner.  Wow, isn't this awesome. 
Source:  or 

The top photo shows the names of the couples who visited the Two Lovers Point and whose weddings were held in the nearby hotels.  The names were engraved on pieces of marble blocks and can be found near the viewing deck of the Two Lovers Point. 

My Experience About Two Lovers Point

For a few years that I have been living on Guam, I have not visited the Two Lovers Point. I was in a state of "sorrowful mystery" every time I think about not visiting it. Because, just like the others, I do not know what is in there. Then one day I told myself that I must visit it, I must visit it. So, I decided to convince my son-in-law Naoki to drive me there, to complete my Guam Island Adventure.

We arrived at the site around eleven in the morning, quite hot and humid but I did not mind it at all. I took a few pictures, the garden, the lookout, the cave as they call it but to me, it looks like a crack as wide as a few meters and had a deep crevice or hole. Nearby are fencing where hundreds of pink and red-colored pair of hearts are locked on the cyclone-like wire of the fence. Out of curiosity, I asked the lady personnel, and she told me those were the hearts locked with a key and left there by lovers or newlyweds or those preparing their weddings to be held on Guam.  The couples wished that their marriage or relationships will last a lifetime.

Source: or 

Wow, that was so romantic indeed. Then on another side of the lookout facing the sea, I saw a few tables with slabs of marbles on its top. Written on those marbles were hundreds if not thousands of names of the Groom, the Bride, and their Prefecture. The last entry made me think that it was true, many Japanese want their marriage officiated on Guam.

So, why is this cliff called The Two Lovers Point? At the center of this park (let me call this site that way), was a metal where the story of the two lovers was inscribed. This is their story.

The top photo shows the tablet where the story of the ill-fated lovers was written.  

My Experience Continues

I examined closely, the height of the cliff and the beach below. There were rocks, rugged rocks and I thought they will never survive. Such a tragic love story. From that time on, the locals considered this cliff as the symbol of love and commitment between two lovers, "a love in which two souls were entwined forever, in love and in death". (Two Lovers Point website). 

Since then, the cliff was known as The Two Lovers Point. Just like other legends, the story of the two lovers came in various twists and versions. But they all boil down to the storyline of forbidden love and follow the dictates of their hearts and no matter what, they will stick together until the end.

Today as in the past, The Two Lovers Point is very popular among newlywed couples, lovers, and young at heart. They visit that cliff to manifest their true love, endless love for each other, or to make a vow that they will love each other "till death do us part". Incidentally, when I went to the cliff or lookout, I was alone and most of the pairs looked at me as if I came down from Mars...haha...

All photos by Touristang Pobre except those that I specifically acknowledged as coming from other sources. 

A photo of Two Lovers Point showing the Lookout, the Cliff, and the beach.  
Photo credit: Guam Visitors Bureau or or 
No Copyright infringement intended.  Thanks. 

The Two Lovers Romeo and Juliet belong to 2 warring families the Capulet (Juliet) and the Montague (Romeo).  Just like the story of Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers of Guam is also ill-fated, meaning, it ended in tragedy. 

The 1968 Movie entitled "Romeo and Juliet" starring Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey.  
Released on 8 October 1968 with a budget of $850,000.00 but grossed in the Box Office a total of $38.9 M. Please take note, that was 1968. 

The story of Romeo and Juliet was written by English playwright William Shakespeare.
Source: YouTube.

*** *** ***

So, before I close, may I leave this quotation for you:

"Death leaves a heartache, no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal"
From an Irish headstone, Richard Puz, TC


Photo by Henry Libo-on of Touristang Pobre except those coming from secondary sources and were duly acknowledged on this Blog. 

Finally, please LIKE my Facebook Page and SHARE this story with your friends. Thank you. 

Updated February 8, 2018.
Updated on February 8, 2020. 
Reviewed on April 15, 2023.

TWO LOVERS POINT GUAM ISLAND Reviewed by marmarthunder on 7:15:00 PM Rating: 5


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