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The Church of the Angry Christ 

is officially called the St. Joseph The Worker Chapel. At the time of its completion, however, many people including the church officials were shocked at the image of Christ. When they learned that the artist portrayed Christ this way at the time of Judgment, they realized that it was probable. Was Christ angry at the sins committed by Christians that at the time of Judgment He would look angry or conscientizing? Conscientizing the brethren if they did right or wrong in their lifetime? 

What's your take? 

The Church of the Angry Christ is located in Victorias Milling Company compound, Victorias City, Philippines. It was designed by the architects commissioned by the Ossorio family who then owns this vast sugar refinery in the world at that time. 

Take note of the Nativity Scene, another work of art by the artists-team of Alfonso Ossorio, rightmost corner of this side of the Church.

Since several works have to be done, Ossorio invited his friends to help. Tony Smith, an architect made an ideal model of the Church. Belgian Baroness of Schaerbeek, Adelaide de Bethune was asked to do the mosaic of Joseph's wedding to Mary. The mosaic is found on the façade of the church. Sacks of colored bottles were broken into pieces to be used in the mosaic. Bottles of soda and milk of magnesia among others. 

The parishioners brought these bottles to the church. Bethune also designed the Baptistery and the Tabernacle. One of Ossorio's friend and painter was assigned to do the windows. A local artist, Benjamin Valenciano did the sculpture of Joseph and Mary, garbed as ordinary brown-skinned Filipinos. He also crafted the Stations of the Cross.

Outside the church, walls were comics type paintings of The Prodigal Son. This was believed to be a pioneering work on the comics art in the Philippines. 

Alfonso Ossorio did the murals on the altar. It was Ossorio's work that shocked the local church hierarchy. The parishioners were also caught by surprise at the first sight of the finished church. If Alfonso happened to be someone not the son of the founder of the sugar mill, then most probably he was fired for creating such a blasphemy, as most people perceived it to be. But Alfonso had the support of his brother and his artistic expression paved the way for the continuance of the job. 

To explain his artworks, Ossorio said:
"The Angry Christ was a continual last judgment with the Sacrifice of the Mass that is the continual reincarnation of God coming into this world." It, therefore, means that the huge outstretched hands of Christ symbolizes His welcoming of the faithful who were called to this continual last judgment. Those who were called are those who are attending the mass.

When God reincarnates through the sacrifice of the mass - the faithful are once again welcomed by God, symbolized by two big red-orange colored hands, through Christ whose arms are outstretched. I think the faithful's presence with this sacrifice of the mass, is an assurance of their salvation on this continual last judgment. 

Witnesses at the Time of Judgment. 

To witness the continual judgment and continual reincarnation are Joseph and John The Baptist on one side, Mary and the beloved John The Evangelist on the other side. Shown on top of Christ, is the dove that symbolizes the Holy Spirit, completing the Trinity, God the Son (Christ with outstretched arms), the Father (big red-orange colored hands), and the Holy Spirit, the dove. 

When you look closely at the altar, Christ is connected, by the flow of shapes, colors, and angles to God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. The triangle that looks like an inverted pyramid creates the connection to other parts of the mural, those found on the altar's ceiling.

On top of the altar's beam is a triangle with an All-Seeing Eye that looks at those who are called - the faithful attending the mass.

So the mural shows a cycle - people attending the mass because they are called to witness the last judgment and the reincarnation of God.

This writer's
intense examination of the Mural of the Angry Christ led him to discover a few Masonic symbols. The triangles and the All-Seeing Eye among others. He also found several symbols representing the numbers 333, among others.  Also, take note of the series of three (3) windows and ventilations on the ceiling. 

According to Doreen Virtue, the number 3 refers to the Trinity and means that you are receiving divine protection, help, and guidance.

In most cases, if you are seeing a lot of 3's, this is an Angel Number sign that you have a close connection to Jesus, the son in the Holy Trinity.  The more 3's that you see in a sequence, the stronger the message is emphasized, stressed Doreen Virtue.  

To this writer, the Church of the Angry Christ is a work of art, a "rara avis" so to speak, that should be protected and preserved. It is a unique iconography (doing arts about icons) among others.

When Victorias Milling Company was losing its financial battle because of the slump in the prices of sugar in the world market, this writer was worried about the future of this church. Now that VMC has financially recovered, there is hope that the Salesian Order of Don Bosco, to which the management of the church belongs shall exert efforts to restore a few pieces of artworks there, including the mural of the Angry Christ.

The colored bottles in the mosaic of Joseph's wedding to Mary need to be replaced with new ones. They are now faded colored bottles. The mural of the Angry Christ looks new to me. Maybe because of the mixture of paints (ethyl silicate) used that fought humidity and withstand the dampness in the tropical country like the Philippines. 

A local artist by the name of Arcadio Anore, worked or executed the metal plates for the pulpit and baptistery designed by Anne de Bethune. 

If it is possible for the National Historical Institute or other institutions dealing with Philippine Arts to declare this Church of the Angry Christ as a national treasure, then this is a welcomed move. In the meantime, this writer and probably the other concerned citizens of Victorias City and elsewhere, encourage the public, the art and historical associations, to participate in the protection and preservation of the Church of the Angry Christ.

This writer believes that the St. Joseph The Worker Chapel otherwise known as the Church of The Angry Christ deserves better attention and support to make this preservation effort a success.

When this writer visited the church last November, the security guard asked him if he could see his camera.  Then, this writer showed the guard his Fuji Finepix S4400 Camera which is small.  "There is no other camera, bigger than this? Just do not use the flash", the guard further said.  Curious why this restriction was implemented, the writer asked the guard and the latter said that the high tech camera with strong lighting fixtures, and many others, might have a damaging effects on the murals and the paintings at the Altar. 

Actually, that policy made me happy and I complied. 

So, is the Angry Christ really angry? 

No, he is not.  This is how the artist's interpretation of how Christ would look like at the Biblical Time of Judgment and he is a loving, and welcoming Christ to both "sinners and saints".  

* * * * 

At the back of the church is the artist's version of The Last Supper.  It is nice to investigate that on your visit to the Church of the Angry Christ.  

How To Get There?

From Bacolod City, take the Ceres Bus going to Victorias City.  The Ceres Bus Terminal is at Mandalagan-Pepsi.
  1. Tell the "Conductor" that you are going down at "Bangga Central"
  2. From the Bangga, ride the Tricycle going to the St. Joseph The Worker Chapel otherwise known as The Church of the Angry Christ. Arrange with the Tricycle Driver the fare you have to pay,.
  3. If you are from San Carlos City, also ride the Ceres Bus and go down at the Bangga Central.



1. The Archives of American Art website -
Doreen Virtue,
3. The Wikipedia on the photo of Alfonso Ossorio.
3. Wikipedia about the history of the Church of the Angry Christ.
4. All photos by Henry C. Libo-on of Touristang Pobre (all other pictures are properly given credits).


*One article mentioned John Lloyd Wright and not Frank Lloyd Wright.  This writer searched further about this John and Frank and it turned out that John was the second oldest son of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.  John died in 1972 while Frank the father died in 1959.  When the Church of the Angry Christ was completed in 1949 Frank Lloyd Wright was still living.  Therefore, Frank is the Frank Lloyd Wright, the architect who holds office in New York City, that Anthony Raymond was doing an Apprenticeship and not John who was a toymaker and not involved with the office of his father, Frank Lloyd Wright.   Thank you. 

Cousins all - TP, Rosette, Glow, and Rebeck with Toto Romy reading the news in his car.  The photo was taken in front of the St. Joseph The Worker Chapel, aka The Church of the Angry Christ. 

* * * * * * * * 

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THE PHILIPPINES ANGRY CHRIST: IS HE REALLY ANGRY? Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 5:00:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. what are the 3 elements of arts and 2 principles of arts the artist applied to the artwork?


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