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Travel Destinations


NEW JERSEY: Summertime At Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook is one of the most popular beaches and historical areas in New Jersey.  One day, we decided to just pay her a visit.

It was really hot that day when we arrived at the beach area of  Sandy Hook.  So, we pitched our tent asap so we can hide from the dazzling ray of the sun.  I settled in the folding chair while applying sunblock on my skin.  I had to squeeze the tube with all force and catch the lotion on my palm.  When I felt comfy for the action, I prepared my cameras, Mr. Red is the small one and Mr. Black is the big one.  When my children and grandchildren found their place near the sea, I secured all personal belongings under the tent and made a survey of the beach but the tent is within my eye sight.

It was my first time to be at Sandy Hook and being a Touristang Pobre, I am poor with knowledge of the place.  There is no one to ask about certain information and so I have to consult Miss Wikipedia and this is what I got.

"Sandy Hook is a barrier spit, approximately 6 miles (9.7 km) in length and varying between .1 to 1 mile (0.16 to 1.61 km) wide in Middletown Township[1][2][3] in Monmouth County, along the Atlantic Ocean coast of eastern New Jersey in the United States. The barrier spit encloses the southern entrance of Lower New York Bay south of New York City. The Dutch called the area "Sant Hoek", with the English "Hook" deriving from the Dutch "Hoek" (corner, angle), meaning "spit of land".

According to, "barrier spits are depositional formations caused by the lateral movement of water along a shoreline known as littoral drift. Wave energy rarely, if ever, makes perfect perpendicular contact with the shoreline. Instead, the waves hit the shoreline at an angle, causing a lateral movement of water and sediment in the direction the wave motion is angled toward. This lateral movement results in the deposition of sediment along the coastline where wave energy goes from high to low. For the most part, spits are thought of as coastal marine formations, but they are also very evident in many large lakes that exist today."


I read somewhere that Sandy Hook was originally discovered by Sea Captain Henry Hudson circa 1600's.  It offers a nice view of the Manhattan skyline.  It is also ideal for surfing and other sea/water activities.  On that day, it was a day of fun for my children and grandchildren.

This is the shower and rest rooms area.

Sandy Hook and its other facilities and attractions is located at 58 Magruder Rd, Highlands, NJ 07732  (732) 872-5970.

Just be sure to be early so that you can get a free parking.  Once the parking area is already full, the gate will be closed and you have to find a parking space somewhere that is closer to the beach.

This one caught my attention.  They came to the beach in full "regalia", so to speak.

Cargo ship from the far distance.

Since there are no fast food centers near the beach, please be sure to bring your own food and drinks.  Also, please bring a black bag for your rubbish and do not forget to take it with you.

NEW JERSEY: Summertime At Sandy Hook Reviewed by Touristang Pobre on 6:12:00 PM Rating: 5

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